To Read Or To Write? CHOOSE!

Daily Prompt: MORTON’S FORK:  If you had to choose between being able to write a blog (but not read others’) and being able to read others’ blogs (but not write your own), which would you pick? Why?

I love to read!  I can't help it!  I'm addicted.

I love to read! I can’t help it! I’m addicted.

I would pick being able to read other’s blogs.

The choice isn’t hard for me at all.   After all I just might be addicted to reading. At last count I have over 3000 books in my house and that doesn’t include the books loaded on my Kindle.  Both of my parents were readers so I guess I just picked it up from them like my blue eyes (dad) or my uncanny ability to make fantastic gravy and sauces (mom) or my argumentative nature (both of them).

I would choose to read other’s blogs over writing my own in a New York minute.

I find people much more interesting than I find myself.   To write whatever it is that I might write about can be tedious to me and a little self-serving, and certainly even boring; at least it seems that way at times.

I spend more time READING blogs than I do writing blogs. Everyone who blogs has a REASON behind their decision to blog. I know I do, but I’m more interested in the other bloggers out there, what they write about, why they write it and what motivated them to blog.

I’ve read some lousy blogs; I won’t lie. But I’ve read some really fantastic blogs too! It almost becomes an addiction for me—the chronic reader. To find a new and interesting blog to be able to read and maybe even follow.

I love the variety offered by blogs, the stories, life experiences, photos, and information that I can glean from all the variety of blogs.

I don’t need to be read so much as I need to read.

It makes sense too when I admit that reading is my escape. It works better than any other sort of distraction from my personal woes than anything else I’ve ever tried. And I’ve tried a lot of different distractions!

35 thoughts on “To Read Or To Write? CHOOSE!

  1. Is it bad that I would choose to write? At least right now. It’s very therapeutic. When I get anxious or sad, I start writing and I don’t sit and ruminate on what I’m upset about. I don’t really even have to have anyone read it (thought the fact that a few people do is extremely validating) but man, does it help to get it out of my head and somewhere else! 🙂

    Oh, but I love reading. I bought myself a Nook last Christmas and am just starting to load it up with books!


    • Heck no its not bad to choose to write. Especially if you’re finding it therapeutic! It is therapeutic to me as well.
      I completely understand what you mean; anxious, sad any strong emotion can be dealt with nicely when writing about it. I picture it like the thoughts going from my brain to the fingertips to the keyboard and onto the blog! Rather than keeping them all bottled up and poisoning the system. It doesn’t always work but it does often enough for me to keep coming back and doing it.
      And no, it’s that others might read the writings, its that you got them out of you.

      Went with the nook did ya? Lol I went with the Kindle then upgraded to the Kindle Fire. I love it. In fact I have an ipad somewhere around but have found the KFire covers everything I was doing on the ipad just nicely and its smaller! Gadgets for reading and writing, what else does one need?


  2. Of all possible addictions, reading blogs is pretty safe, no? Interesting, you suggest you are addicted to reading; I am addicted to writing. Topic doesn’t matter: technology to business to poetry, short fiction, erotica. I just love to write. :). Btw, did u locate the hacked Santa hotline? 😉


    • Perhaps all of us bloggers are addicted to writing to some degree. But your comment made me consider maybe I’m just addicted to words! Or is it letters of the alphabet? To really get to the nitty gritty of the addiction. lmao. Reading and writing are all a combination/compilation of letters right? hum….my oh my one could go a bit bonkers thinking about it. OR blog it! lol!!!!


      • Sure thing! One guilty person to another. Send me a file in my birthday cake, ok? Oh never mind just send some good books to read. That’ll work.


      • Fair enough, but I have to confess, I’m so addicted to reading that I read the labels on spice bottles, I read billboards, street signs, the credits at the end of a movie, 2 newspapers every day and then again online…its hopeless. Just send me something that is THICK, like 500 pages or more. I can maybe use it as a weapon if someone attacks me and my collection. LMAO…ok that sounds slightly insane or paranoid. JUST DO IT!


      • ok,ok!
        What about Under the Dome? have you read it? It’s a Stephen king thousand-pager book 🙂


      • ok. mmmm! let me think… mmmm! ‘Imsonia’ also by King. Or “What the night Knows” by Koontz


      • Hum…Insomnia I’ve read. What the Night Knows..don’t think I’ve heard of that! How about that Odd Thomas series?! Loved that character. I’m reading James Patterson’s series of A Women’s Murder Club, alternate between that and John Sandford’s Prey series and Robert Parker, Jesse Stone series and Robert Tatenbaum series. I LIKE series, did you catch that? I like characters growing up, developing as they go along. I do mix in the 2 newspapers each day and the internet and blah, blah, blah. Hey I even read cookbooks just for fun even though I know how to cook. The series I read. I read one from one author, then the next book is from another author and then the next. I limit myself to 3 authors with a series and alternate between them until I’ve reach the end of the series. They are usually kind enough to keep writing for me. My ultimate FAVORITE series though is Out of the Ashes by William J. Johnstone. I had to stop at #25 because they are out of print. I can find the next one, #26 on Amazon but those thieves want like $450 for a paperback. You can keep those words written at that price!!! There’s lots of other books out there!


      • ok, read The Gunslinger. That’s a series of books by King.
        Is it too obvious that Stephen King is my favorite author? 🙂


      • ppffffttt come on! Give me a challenge! lol…I read that series too. I don’t think there’s a Stephen King book I haven’t read.


      • ok, I think you’ve read it all, then 😦
        wait for mine to be written… that’s my last option 😦


      • Of course! Giving up on my dream is not even in the list of last resources 😉
        you’re gonna get your copy!


      • Oh giving up on a dream? Don’t do that…without our dreams, our goals we have nothing to move us, to drive us, to motivate us. I look forward to your book! If you’re a fan of Mr. King then I’m excited! He’s going to die ya know. Someone has to fill that gap! It might as well be you. And why not?


      • Read IT too. In about 2.5 days. It was right size but also a King novel I couldn’t resist. However I did stop collecting clowns about half way through that book.


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